Basic Knowledge of Radiation and Radioisotopes(2019)教育訓練用テキスト(英語版)第5版
Basic Knowledge of Radiation and Radioisotopes 2019 (Scientific Basis, Safe Handling of Radioisotopes and Radiation Protection)
● 編集・発行 |
日本アイソトープ協会 |
● 監修協力 |
大学等放射線施設協議会 |
● 判型 頁数 |
A4判 127頁 |
● 発行日 |
2019年10月 |
● ISBN |
978-4-89073-268-5 |
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I. Introduction
- 1. The Role of Radiation Workers
II. Scientific Basis
- 1. Structure of Atom
- 2. Structure of Atomic Nucleus
- 3. Isotopes
- 4. Radioisotopes and Radioactivity
- 5. Half-Life of a Radioisotope
- 6. Types of Radioactive Decay
- 7. X-Rays
- 8. Accelerators
- 9. Types of Radiation
- 10. Quantities and Units Related to Radiation
III. Safe Handling
- 1. Who is the Radiation Protection Staff?
- 2. Protection Against External Exposure
- 3. Protection Against Internal Exposure
- 4. Attitude when Handling Radioisotopes and Radiation
- 5. Radiation Monitoring
- 6. Education and Training
- 7. From Procurement to Waste Management of Radioisotopes
- 8. Usage of Radioisotopes and Radiation Generating Apparatuses
- 9. Storage of Radioisotopes
- 10. Discharge of Radioisotopes from Facilities and Radioactive Waste Management
- 11. Record Keeping (Radioisotopes Tracking)
- 12. Record Keeping (Dose)
- 13. Health Surveillance
- 14. Procedures at the Time of on an Accident or Emergency
- 15. Procedures in the Event of Excess Exposure or Contamination
IV. Biological Effects of Radiation
- 1. Classification of Radiation Effects on the Human Body
- 2. Acute Effects
- 3. Late Effects
- 4. Heritable Effects
- 5. Biological Effects Depend on the Dose Received
- 6. Effects from External and Internal Exposures
- 7. What is Equivalent Dose?
- 8. What is Effective Dose?
- 9. Assessment of Internal Dose
- 10. Natural Radiation and Artificial Radiation
- 11. Radiation and Health Effects
- 12. Exposure Categories
- 13. Risk
- 14. Limits on Personal Exposure
V. The Act and Regulations
- 1. Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc.
- 2. Hierarchy of the Act and Relevant Regulations
- 3. Acts and Regulations Concerning Radiation
- 4. What is the Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc.?
- 5. Acts and Regulations to Protect Workers
- 6. Who are Radiation Workers?
- 7. Who are Radiation Protection Supervisors?
- 8. What is Radiation under Acts and Regulations?
- 9. What is Radioisotopes?
- 10. What is Radiation Generating Apparatus?
- 11. What are Sealed Radioisotopes?
- 12. What is the Controlled Area?
- 13. What is meant by"Radiation Levels outside Controlled Areas"?
- 14. Secure Specified Radioisotopes Manager
VI. Radiation Hazards Prevention Program
- 1. What is the Radiation Hazards Prevention Program?
Appendix1. Sign